Introduction: It’s do or die time for Nokia, right Already on numerous occasions, the industry has questioned the staying power of the once magnificent handset maker, as they’ve redirected their focus in recent times towards Microsoft’s Windows Phone platform. In all fairness, it’s rather difficult to say how much time the over other things out there. Even though we appreciate the hint of character and pizazz it adds to the familiar looking handset, the glossy appearance of our red model is a fingerprint and smudge magnet. Then again, the cyan and black versions of the Lumia 920 opt for a matte finish to minimize those unwanted distractions. In a world of cold looking industrial design, it’s heartwarming to see the Lumia 920 setting itself apart with its vibrant color selection and solid construction albeit, we wish it weren’t so darn bulky. Being a staple amongst most Windows Phones, the Lumia 920 packs the typical trio of capacitive Windows Phone buttons beneath its display, which ar e spaced far from one another to minimize accidental presses. Conversely, we’re greeted with the usual assortment of characters on the opposite edge these include its earpiece, light proximity sensors, and front-facing density of 332 ppi making it one of the most detailed screens out there. And of course, it shows as fine text in a zoomed out view in the web browser are visually crisp to make out with ease. As much as we appreciate the saturated colors produced by the prior ClearBlack AMOLED display of the Lumia 900, we’re nevertheless still content with the natural looking colors pumped out by this IPS LCD screen. Throw in the fact that it has good viewing angles and a strong iridescent glow, it’s more than visible in outdoor conditions with the sun present. All in all, it absolutely rivals some of the best displays out there, like the ones on the Apple iPhone 5 and LG Optimus G, so we have no complaints about its brilliance.